Receive Connector IP Range Manager

There are two versions available, one for 2010 and one for 2013!

Current version: Beta 1.0


The Tool

With RCIPRManager you can edit all of your receive connectors at the same time either manually or
using one of the receive connectors as a template.

This is just a normal PS1 file and you start it as a usual PowerShell script.
For the 2010 version: .\RCIPRManager2010.ps1
For the 2013 version: .\RCIPRManager2013.ps1

When the tool starts it gathers information on receive connectors and the ip range lists, no editing is done so there is no harm in starting the tool and checking it out. Its not until you click Save that any editing is done. When open, you can choose which receive connector to load ip ranges from, then add and remove rows as you wish. When done multiple target receive connectors can be selected and when you click Save the ip ranges listed will be written to the target receive connectors. Note that all existing IP Ranges on the receive Connectors will be overwritten!


This is a beta, not everything will be working as intended even tough I have tested the tool quite thoroughly in a number of different environments. As usual the script is provided “AS IS” with no guarantees, no warranties, and they confer no rights.

Final notes

Feel free to use the tool, share it and alter it. But please do not claim it as your own, be sure to include a reference to this blog and if you make any changes or fix any errors I would be very happy if you post them as a comment so that all of us can benefit from your findings and knowledge. Thanks in advance!

One Response to Receive Connector IP Range Manager

  1. Pingback: Receive Connector IP Range Manager – Beta 1.0 | Martin's Wonderful World of Unified Communications

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